Remember that this is a is a process and will take some time. As a decorator, I am expected to have a beautiful picture perfect home. Truth is after I decorate everyone else's home, I really don't feel like coming home and working on mine. I have several projects that need to be done and can't seem to find the time or desire to tackle them. I do not deal with chaos very well, and most of you know that when you redo a room.....the whole house becomes chaos.
So I have been doing some simple projects. Small things everyday that are easy to complete in an hour or so. First was my junk drawer in the kitchen. Why do I have a junk drawer? If I am not sure where something goes in the junk drawer, never to be seen again. Next was the hall closet, and then the linen closet. It feels so good to have those things done. Not very glamorous I know but guess what? I love it